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Dr. Jennifer Burns

Research Publications:

first author was: * a graduate student in my lab; • a student collaborator

  1. *Tsai, E. DW Schwilk, M.A. Castellini, J. M. Burns (In Prep). Diving into the past: tools for recovering historic dive traces from film-based time depth recorders using data from Weddell seals. Animal Biotelemetry

  2. *Kirkham A.L., Avery J.P., Beltran R.S., and Burns J.M. (In Prep) Post-lactation mass recovery and metabolic hormone dynamics in adult female Weddell seals. Target journal: General and Comparative Endocrinology.

  3. Shero, M.S., D.P. Costa, J.M. Burns, K.T. Goetz (Submitted) Breath-hold capacities limit circadian dive rhythmicity and shape optimal foraging strategies in a polar marine mammal.  COMMSBIO-24-0845-T

  4. Shero, M.R., A.L. Kirkham, D.P. Costa, J.M. Burns. (2022). Iron mobilization during lactation reduces oxygen stores in a diving mammal. Nat Commun 13, 4322 (2022).

  5. Regney M., Kraberger S., Custer J.M., Crane A.E., Shero M.R., Beltran R.S., Kirkham A.L., Van Doorslaer K., Stone A.C., Goebel M.E., Burns J.M., Varsani A. 2024. Diverse papillomaviruses identified from Antarctic fur seals, leopard seals and Weddell seals from the Antarctic. Virology, 594, art. no. 110064. DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2024.110064

  6. Butkovic, A., S Kraberger, Z Smeele, DP Martin, K Schmidlin, RS Fontenele, MR Shero, RS Beltran, AL Kirkham, M Aleamotu’a, JM Burns, EV Koonin, A Varsani, M Krupovic, 2023. Evolution of anelloviruses from a circovirus-like ancestor through gradual augmentation of the jelly-roll capsid protein, Virus Evolution, Volume 9, Issue vead035,

  7. Goetz, K. T., MS Dinniman, LA Hückstädt, PW Robinson, MR Shero, JM Burns, EE Hofmann, SE Stammerjohn, EL Hazen, DG Ainley, DP Costa. (2023). Seasonal habitat preference and foraging behaviour of post-moult Weddell seals in the western Ross Sea. Royal Society Open Science, 10(1).

  8. Shero, M.R., Burns, J.M. (2022). The Weddell Seal: Eco-Physiological Adaptations to a High-Latitude Seasonal Environment. In: Costa, D.P., McHuron, E.A. (eds) Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Phocids . Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals. Springer, Cham.

  9. *Beltran, R.S.B., G.A. Breed, T. Adachi, A. Takahashi, Y. Naito, P.W. Robinson, W.O Smith Jr., A. M Kilpatrick, A.L Kirkham, J.M. Burns (2021).  Seasonal resource pulses and the foraging depth of a Southern Ocean top predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288, 20202817, doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.2817.

  10. *Merrill, G, J.W.Testa, and J.M. Burns (2021). Maternal foraging trip durations as a population-level index of foraging and reproductive success for the northern fur seal. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 666:217-229. DOI:

  11. Quinn M. P., S. Kraberger, D. P. Martin, M.R. Shero, R.S. Beltran, A. L. Kirkham, M.  Aleamotu'a, D. G. Ainley, S. Kim, J. M. Burns, Arvind Varsani. (2021). Circoviruses and cycloviruses identified in Weddell seal fecal samples from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Infection, Genetics and Evolution: 95,105070.

  12. Hückstädt, LA., M.A., Piñones, D.M. Palacios, B.I. McDonald, M.S. Dinniman, E.E. Hofmann, J.M. Burns, D.E. Crocker, D.P. Costa (2020). Future shifts in the habitat of crabeater seals along the Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Climate Change 10, 472-477. .

  13. *Walcott, S., M. Horning, A. Kirkham, J.M. Burns (2020). Thermoregulatory costs in molting Antarctic Weddell seals: impacts of physiological and environmental conditions. Conservation Physiology. 8(1): coaa022, doi:10.1093/conphys/coaa022

  14. *Shero, M.R., P.J. Reiser, L. Simonitis, J.M. Burns. (2019). Links between muscle phenotype and life history: Differentiation of myosin heavy chain composition and muscle biochemistry in precocial and altricial pinniped pups Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 189(6): 717-734, DOI:10.1007/s00360-019-01240-w

  15. *Beltran, R.S., A.L. Kirkham, G.A. Breed, J.W. Testa, and J.M. Burns. (2019). Reproductive success delays moult phenology in a polar mammal. Sci.Rep.9: 5221 https://doi:10.1038/s41598-019-41635-x

  16. Brennan, S.R., D.P. Fernandez, J.M. Burns, S. Aswad, D.E. Schindler, T.E. Cerling. (2019).  Isotopes in teeth reveal a cryptic population of coastal freshwater seals. Conservation Biology 33(6): 1415-1425.

  17. Frankfurter G, Beltran RS, Hoard M, Burns JM. (2019). Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing of Antarctic Seal Flipper Tags. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 43(2): 313-316.

  18. *Pearson, L.E., E.L. Weitzner, J.M. Burns, M.O. Hammill, H.E.M. Liwanag. (2019). From ice to ocean: Changes in the thermal function of harp seal pelt with ontogeny. J. Comp.  Physiology B. 189: 501-511.   

  19. Piñones, A., D.P. Costa, J.M. Burns, J.M. Klinck, E. Hofmann, M. Dinniman, F. Roquet, K. Goetz. (2019). Hydrographic variability along the inner and mid-shelf region of the western Ross Sea obtained using instrumented seals. Progress in Oceanography 174: 131-142.

  20. *Beltran, R.S., J.M. Burns, G. Breed. 2018. Convergence of biannual moulting strategies across birds and mammals. Proc Biol Sci. 285(1878): 20180318.

  21. *Beltran, R.S., Ruscher-Hill, B. A.L. Kirkham, J.M. Burns. 2018. An Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Photogrammetric and Morphometric Techniques for Estimating Volume and Mass in Weddell Seals, Leptonychotes weddellii. PLOS One, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0189865

  22. Burns, JM, D. Withrow, J.M. Van Lanen. 2018. Freshwater Seals of Iliamna Lake. Cpt. 23 In: C. A. Woody (Ed.). Bristol Bay Alaska: Natural Resources of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. J. Ross Publishing, 604pp.

  23. Sequeira, A.M.M., J. P. Rodríguez, V. M. Eguíluz, R. Harcourt, M. Hindell, D. W. Sims, C. M. Duarte, D. P. Costa, J. Fernández-Gracia, L. C. Ferreira, G. C. Hays, M. R. Heupel, M. G. Meekan, A. Aven, F. Bailleul, A. M. M. Baylis, M. L. Berumen, C. D. Braun, J. Burns, M. J. Caley, R. Campbell, R. H. Carmichael, E. Clua, L. D. Einoder, Ari Friedlaender, M. E. Goebel, S. D. Goldsworthy, C. Guinet, J. Gunn, D. Hamer, N. Hammerschlag, M. Hammill, L. A. Hückstädt, N. E. Humphries, M.-A. Lea, A. Lowther, A. Mackay, E. McHuron, J. McKenzie, L. McLeay, C. R. McMahon, K. Mengersen, M. M. C. Muelbert, A. M. Pagano, B. Page, N. Queiroz, P. W. Robinson, S. A. Shaffer, M. Shivji, G. B. Skomal, S. R. Thorrold, S. Villegas-Amtmann, M. Weise, R. Wells, B. Wetherbee, A. Wiebkin, B. Wienecke and M. Thums. 2018. Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  24. Smeele, Z.E., J.M. Burns, L. Van Doorsaler, R.S. Forntenele, K. Waits, D. Stainton, M.R. Shero, R.S. Beltran, A.L. Kirkham, R. Berngartt, S. Krabserger, A. Varsani. 2018. Diverse papillomaviruses identified in Weddell seals. Journal of General Virology.99(4):549-557. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001028

  25. *Beltran, R.S., J.W. Testa, and J.M. Burns. 2017. An agent-based bioenergetics model for predicting impacts of environmental change on top predators. Ecological Modelling 351 (10): 36–50.

  26. Fahsbender, E., JM Burns, S. Kim, S. Kraberger, G. Frankfurter, A. Eilers, M Shero, R Beltran, A Kirkham, R McCorkell, R. Berngartt, M. Male, G. Ballard, D. Ainley, M. Breitbart, A. Varsani. 2017.  Diverse and highly recombinant anelloviruses associated with Weddell seals in Antarctica. Virus Evolution 3(1): vex017, doi: 10.1093/ve/vex017  

  27. Salas, L. N. Nur, D. Ainley, J.M.Burns, and G. Ballard. 2017. Coping with loss of large, energy-dense prey: a potential energy bottleneck for Weddell seals in the Southern Ross Sea. Ecological Applications. 27: 10-25. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1435

  28. Varsani, A., G. Frankfurter, D. Stainton, M. Male, S. Kraberger, J.M. Burns. 2017.  Identification of a polyomavirus in Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) from the Ross Sea (Antarctica). Archives of Virology 162(5):1403-1407. doi: 10.1007/s00705-017-3239-y

  29. •Goetz, K.T., J. M. Burns, L.A. Hückstädt, M.R. Shero, D.P. Costa. 2016. Temporal variation in isotopic composition and diet of Weddell seals in the western Ross Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.05.017

  30. •Hückstädt, L.A., M.S. Tift, F. Riet-Sapriza, V. Franco-Trecu, A.M.M. Baylis, R. Orben, J.P. Arnould, M. Sepulveda, M. Santos, J.M. Burns, and D.P. Costa. 2016. Regional variability in diving physiology and behavior in a widely distributed air-breathing marine predator, the South American sea lion Otaria byronia. Journal of Experimental Biology. doi: 10.1242/jeb.138677

  31. Burns, J.M., K.C Lestyk, D. Freistroffer, and M.O. Hammill. 2015.  Preparing Muscles for Diving: Age-Related Changes in Muscle Metabolic Profiles in Harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and Hooded (Cystophora cristata) Seals. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 88:167-182

  32. •Gmuca, N.V., *L.E. Pearson, J.M. Burns, H.E.M. Liwanag. 2015. The Fat and the Furriest: Morphological Changes in Harp Seal Fur with Ontogeny. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 88:158 -166

  33. Noren, S.R., C.V. Jay, J.M. Burns, A.S Fischbach. 2015. Rapid Maturation of the Muscle Biochemistry that Supports Diving in Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Journal of Experimental Biology 218:3319-29. doi: 10.1242/jeb.125757

  34. *Shero, M.R., G. Adams, J.M. Burns. 2015. Field use of ultrasonography to characterize the reproductive tract and early pregnancy in a phocid, the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii). The Anatomical Record 298: 1970-1977 doi: 10.1002/ar.23264.

  35. *Shero, M.R., D.P. Costa, and J. M. Burns. 2015. Scaling matters: incorporating body composition into Weddell seal seasonal oxygen store comparisons reveals maintenance of aerobic capacities. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 185: 811-24. doi: 10.1007/s00360-015-0922-8.

  36. *Shero, M.R, Krotz, R.T, Costa, D.P, Avery, J.P, and J.M. Burns. 2015. How do overwinter changes in body condition and hormone profiles influence Weddell seal reproductive success? Functional Ecology. 29: 1278-1291. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12434

  37. *Esslinger, G.G, J.L. Bodkin, A.R. Breton, J.M. Burns, D.H. Monson. 2014. Temporal Patterns in the Foraging Behavior of Sea Otters in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management. 78: 689-700

  38. *Pearson, L.E., H.E.M. Liwanag, M.O. Hammill, J.M. Burns. 2014. Developmental shifts in thermoregulatory strategies in harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus). Journal of Thermal Biology, 44: 93-102.

  39. *Pearson, L.E., H.E.M. Liwanag, M.O. Hammill, J.M. Burns. 2014. Thermoregulatory strategy varies among neonatal polar phocids. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 178: 59-67 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.08.006

  40. *Shero, M.R., L.E. Pearson, D.P. Costa, and J.M. Burns 2014. Improving the precision of our ecosystem calipers: Evaluation of a modified morphometric technique for estimating marine mammal body composition. PLOS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091233

  41. Burns, J., Van Lanen, J., Withrow, D., Holen, D., Askoak, T., Aderman, H., O’Corey-Crowe, G., Zimpelman, G., and Jones, B. 2013. Integrating local traditional knowledge and subsistence use patterns with aerial surveys to improve scientific and local understanding of the Iliamna Lake seals. Report to the North Pacific Research Board Project 1116 Final Report, 189pp

  42. •Geiseler, S., A.S. Blix, J.M. Burns, and L. P. Folkow. 2013. Rapid postnatal development of myoglobin from large liver iron stores in hooded seals. Journal of Experimental Biology 216(Pt 10):1793-8. doi: 10.1242/jeb.082099

  43. Mirceta, S., A.V. Signore, J.M. Burns, A.R. Cossins, K.L. Campbell, and M. Berenbrink. 2013. Evolution of mammalian diving capacity traced by myoglobin net charge. Science 340 (6138) DOI: 10.1126/science.1234192

  44. Burns, J.M., H. Alderman, T. Askoak, and D. Withrow. 2012. Local and Scientific Understanding of the Iliamna Lake Freshwater Seals. Pp 211-228 in: Fishing People of the North: Cultures, Economies, and Management Responding to Change, 27th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, C. Carothers et al. (Eds).

  45. Forcada, J. P. Trathan, P. Boveng, I.  Boyd, J. Burns, D. Costa, M. Fedak, T. Rogers, C. Southwell. 2012 Uncertainty in the assessment of responses of Antarctic pack-ice seals to environmental change and increasing krill fishing. Biological Conservation. 149: 40–50; doi: 10.1016.2012.02.002

  46. •Hückstädt, LA, J.M. Burns, P. Koch, B.I. McDonald, D.E. Crocker, and D.P Costa. 2012. Being a specialist in a changing environment: the diet of the crabeater seal along the western Antarctica Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 455:287-301; doi:10.3354/meps09601

  47. •Friedlaender, A.S, D.W. Johnston, W.R. Fraser, J.M. Burns, and D.P. Costa. 2011. Ecological Niche Modeling of Sympatric Krill Predators around Margeurite Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II, 58: 1729-1740.

  48. *Shero, M.R., Andrews, R.D., Lestyk, K.C., and Burns, J.M. 2011. Development of the aerobic dive limit and muscular efficiency in northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 182(3):425-36

  49. •Vázquez-Medina, J. P., Olguín-Monroy, N. O., Maldonado, P. D., Santamaría, A., Königsberg, M., Elsner, R., Hammilll, M. O., Burns, J. M. and Zenteno-Savín, T. 2011. Maturation increases superoxide radical production without increasing oxidative damage in the skeletal muscle of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata). Canadian Journal of Zoology 89, 206-212.

  50. •Vázquez-Medina, J.P.; J.G. Sonanez-Organis, J. M. Burns, T. Zenteno-Savin, and R. M. Ortiz. 2011. Antioxidant capacity develops with maturation in the deep-diving hooded seal. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2903-2910.

  51. Burns, J.M., K.C. Lestyk, N. Skomp, N. Bishop, M.O. Hammill. 2010. Development of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in cardiac and skeletal muscles from harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 740-748.

  52. *Prewitt, J.S., Freistroffer, D.V. Schreer, J.F., Hammill, M.O., Burns, J.M. 2010. Postnatal development of muscle biochemistry in nursing harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups: Limitations to diving behavior? Journal of Comparative Physiology  B. 180(5): 757-766

  53. *Savarese, D., and J.M. Burns. 2010. Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsii) use of the Bering Glacier habitat: implications for management. In: Interdisciplinary Studies of Earth’s Largest Temperate Surging Glacier Editors:  Edward Josberger and Robert Shuchman, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 462: 181-192.

  54. •Frid, A., J.M. Burns, G. Baker, R. Thorne. 2009. Predicting synergistic effects of resources and predators on foraging decisions by juvenile Steller sea lions. Oecologia 158:775-786

  55. *Lestyk, K.C., L.P. Folkow, A.S. Blix, M.O. Hammill, J.M. Burns. 2009. Development of myoglobin concentration and acid buffering capacity in harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals from birth to maturity.  Journal of Comparative Physiology  B. 179: 985-996.

  56. *von Biela, V.R., V.A. Gill, J.L. Bodkin, and J.M. Burns. 2009.  Phenotypic plasticity in the average age at first reproduction of female northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni).  Journal of Mammalogy 90(5):1224-1231

  57. Burns, J.M. and Hammill, M.O. 2008. Does iron availability limit oxygen store development in seal pups? pp. 417-428 in: 4th CPB meeting in Africa: MARA 2008, Molecules to Migration: the Pressures of Life, S. Morris, A. Vosloo, Eds. Medimond International Proceedings, Bologna, Italy.

  58. Burns, J.M., M.A. Hindell, C.J.A. Bradshaw, and D.P. Costa. 2008. Fine-scale habitat selection by crabeater seals diving within Marguerite Bay, Antarctica. Deep Sea Research II 55: 500-514.

  59. Costa, D.P., J.M. Klinck, E.E. Hofmann, M.S. Dinniman, J.M. Burns. 2008. Upper Ocean Variability in West Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf Waters as Measured Using Instrumented Seals. Deep Sea Research II 55: 323-337.

  60. •McDonald, B., D. Crocker, J. Burns, and D. Costa. 2008. Body condition as an index of winter foraging success in crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophaga). Deep Sea Research II 55: 515-522.

  61. *Rehberg, M.J. and J.M. Burns. 2008. Differences in diving and swimming behavior in pup and juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86:539-553.

  62. *von Biela, V. R., J.W. Testa, V.A. Gill, J.M. Burns. 2008. Cementum width as an index of reproduction. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72:618-623.

  63. Burns, J.M., K.C. Lestyk, M.O. Hammill, L.P. Folkow, and A.S. Blix. 2007. Size and distribution of oxygen stores in harp and hooded seals from birth to maturity. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 177: 687-700.

  64. *Clark, C.A., J.M. Burns, J.F. Schreer, M.O. Hammill. 2007. The development of total body oxygen stores in nursing harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 177: 217-227.

  65. •Fowler, S.L., D.P. Costa, J.P.Y. Arnould, N.J. Gales, J.M. Burns. 2007. Ontogeny of oxygen stores, field metabolic rates, and the calculated aerobic dive limit in the Australian sea lion. Functional Ecology 21: 922-935.

  66. •Lapierre, J.L., J.F. Schreer, J.M.Burns, and M.O. Hammill. 2007.  Effect of diazepam on heart and respiratory rates of harbor seal pups following intravenous injection. Marine Mammal Science. Marine Mammal Science 23:209-217.

  67. Burns, J.M.. T.M. Williams, S.M. Secor, N. Owen-Smith, N.A. Bargmann, M.A. Castellini. 2006. New insights into the physiology of natural foraging. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 79(2):242-249

  68. *Clark, C.A., J.M. Burns, J.F. Schreer, K. Mashburn. 2006. Erythropoietin levels in developing harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 147: 262-267

  69. •Kuhn, C.E., B.I. McDonald, S.A. Shaffer, J. Barnes, D.E. Crocker, J.M. Burns, D.P. Costa. 2006. Diving Physiology and Winter Foraging Behavior of a Juvenile Leopard Seal (Hydrurga leptonyx). Polar Biology. 29: 303-307.

  70. *Richmond, J.P, J.M. Burns, L.D. Rea. 2006 Ontogeny of total body oxygen stores and aerobic dive potential in the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 176: 535-545

  71. Burns, J.M., D.P. Costa, K. Frost, and J.T. Harvey. 2005. Physiological development in juvenile harbor seals. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 78:1057-1068

  72. Gales, N., Barnes, J.,Chittick, B., Gray, M., Robinson, S., Burns, J., Costa, D. 2005. Effective, field-based inhalation anesthesia for ice seals. Marine Mammal Science 21:717-727.

  73. *Richmond, J.P., J.M. Burns, L.D. Rea, K. Mashburn. 2005. Postnatal ontogeny of erythropoietin and hematology in free-ranging Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 141:240-247

  74. Burns, J.M., C. A. Clark, J.P Richmond. 2004. The impact of lactation strategy on physiological development of juvenile marine mammals: implications for the transition to independent foraging. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, International Congress Series. 1275: 341-350

  75. Burns, J.M., D.P. Costa, M.A. Hindell, CJ. Bradshaw, N. Gales, S.J. Trumble, B. 2004. Winter habitat use and foraging behaviour of crabeater seals along the western Antarctic Peninsula.  Deep Sea Research II 51: 2279-2303

  76. *Greaves, D.K., J.F. Schreer, M.O. Hammill, J.M. Burns. 2004. Diving heart rate development in postnatal harbour seals, Phoca vitulina. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78(1): 9-17.

  77. *Greaves, D.K., R.L. Hughson, Z. Topor, J.F. Schreer, J.M. Burns, M.O. Hammill. 2004. Changes in heart rate variability during diving in young harbour seals, Phoca vitulina. Marine Mammal Science 20(2): 296-304. 

  78. •LaPierre, J., J.F. Schreer, M.O. Hammill. J.M. Burns. 2004. Developmental changes in cardiorespiratory patterns associated with terrestrial apnoeas in harbour seal pups. Journal of Experimental Biology. 207:3891-3898

  79. Drabek, C.M. and J.M. Burns. 2002. Heart Anatomy of the deep diving hooded seal (Cystophora cristata). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 80:2030-2036

  80. Burns, J.M. and G. Kooyman. 2001. Habitat use by Weddell seals and emperor penguins foraging in the Ross Sea, Antarctica.  American Zoologist. 41: 90-98.

  81. Burns, J.M. and J.F. Schreer. 2000. Changes in the behavioral repertoire of Weddell seal pups diving in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Pp. 85-95, in: Antarctic Ecosystems: Models for Wider Ecological Understanding. Davidson, B. (ed.) Caxton Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.

  82. Burns, J.M. 1999. The development of diving behavior in juvenile Weddell seals: pushing physiological limits in order to survive. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 77: 773-783.

  83. Burns, J.M., M.A. Castellini, and J.W. Testa. 1999. Movements and diving behavior of weaned Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups. Polar Biology. 21: 23-36.

  84. Burns, J.M., and M.A. Castellini. 1998. Dive data from satellite tags and time depth recorders: a comparison in Weddell seal pups. Marine Mammal Biology. 14 (4): 750-764.

  85. Burns, J.M., S.J. Trumble, M.A. Castellini, and J.W. Testa. 1998. The diet of Weddell seals in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, as determined from scat collections and stable isotope analyses. Polar Biology.19 (4):272-282.

  86. Burns, J. M. and J.F. Schreer. 1998. The effects of age and condition on the behavioral repertoire of diving Weddell seal pups. FASEB Journal. 12 (4) A333.

  87. Burns, J.M., M.A. Castellini, K.K. Hastings, T. Zenteno-Savin. 1997. Development in Juvenile Weddell seals: diving behavior, physiology, nutritional status, and survivorship. Antarctic Journal U.S. 30(5):131-132

  88. Burns, J.M., J.F. Schreer, and M.A. Castellini. 1997. Physiological effects on individual dive patterns and foraging strategies in yearling Weddell seals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 1796-1810.

  89. Burns, J. M. and J.W. Testa. 1997. Seasonal and diurnal variation in the development of diving behavior in Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups. pp 328-334 in: Antarctic Communities, Battaglia, B. J. Valencia, D.W.H. Walton (ed.) Cambridge University Press.

  90. Burns, J. M. and M.A. Castellini. 1996. Physiological and behavioral determinants of the aerobic dive limit in Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 166:473-483.

  91. Castellini, M.A., J.W. Testa, L.D. Rea, J.M. Moss, and K.K. Hastings. 1994. Diving development and survivorship in Weddell seal pups. Antarctic Journal U.S. 29(5):171-172.

Burns Lab / T 806.834.4857 / Site updated July 2024 by Jennifer Burns

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